Core Modification

For more complicated modules (i.e where you want to add functionality to the vyos cli) you will need to patch the core vyos package. vyos-modular has two mechanisms for this, the overlay system and the git patch system. Both systems operate on the vyos/vyos-1x repository. To enable for your module, set patches_core: true in your module spec section.

For a sample module, see jack-broadway/vyos-module-tailscale as it uses both the overlay and core patching components


Create vyos-core/{vyos_release}/overlay folder in your module. Any directories created under here will be placed into the vyos-1x repository before building. More information on creating commands can be found in the vyos documentation Development - VyOS 1.4.x (sagitta).

For example, to create a new command tree and its python handler for a custom service, create a directory structure as follows:

├── vyos-core
    ├── sagitta
        ├── overlay
            │── src
            │   ├── conf_mode
            │       ├──
            │── interface-definitions

If your overlay doesnt need to change between vyos releases, simply symlink the other releases to your overlay

ln -s vyos-core/sagitta/overlay vyos-core/current/overlay


If your module needs to modifying existing functionality of vyos, git patches can be used.

To create, clone your target version of the vyos-1x repository and make your changes. Then use git diff > my_patch.patch and put in the appropriate release patch folder in your module

├── vyos-core
    ├── sagitta
    │   ├── patches
    │       │── my_sagitta_patch.patch
    ├── current
        ├── patches
            ├── my_current_patch.patch